901 Goon Squad
"We got the name "Goon Squad" from Sameer during a 901 Ummah meeting but we probably wouldn't be "the goons" if it weren't for the many...

17 Berkshire
"Nursing, for me, was always a safe place. I loved taking care of people, so I went to nursing school. However, after I had kids, it was...

Mohamed Fofana
"I’ve had my ups and downs but through it all, I’ve maintained my faith and worked hard to earn everything that I’ve gotten with the help...

Mohammed Malley
"Growing up as a Muslim in America is very hard if you don’t have a strong institutional foundation to help you. Looking at the youth, I...

Shehroz Kazmi
"MSA has grown a lot, and this is probably my last semester as president just because I wanna pass on the torch and also I think it’s...

Shawn Mufti
"I'm a product of the former Memphis City Schools system, and I currently go to University of Memphis now. I've grown up and lived in...

Raneem Imam
"I've been singing since I popped out of the womb... My mom used to always tell me stories about how I would stand up on the kitchen...

Bilqis Abdul Qadir
"I'm proud of growth; spiritually, mentally, and maturity. Allah makes us go through things, to grow through things. We all have...