MSA hosts part two of 'Dawah Workshop' with Imam Anwar Arafat

Attendees listen as Imam Anwar Arafat dicusses dawah.
Photo by Hira Qureshi
University of Memphis's Muslim Student Association hosted part two of Imam Anwar Arafat's "Dawah Workshop" in the University Center Memphis Room A at the U of M on Feb. 3 to students and community members
Arafat continued his discussion on the ways Muslims can better spread dawah to their community and non-Muslims, again in partnership with the Islamic Education and Research Academy (IERA).
The workshop involved interactive group discussions and lecturing on common issues in giving dawah and conveying the message of Islam.
"I felt that the workshop was really beneficial as it provided attendees of all ages and levels of experience giving dawah, the opportunity to improve their knowledge and gain confidence on how to properly relay the message of Islam," MSA Treasurer Hassan Arshad said. "In doing so, (attendees) became more knowledgeable about their faith."
Arafat explained part one of the workshop to new-comers and then moved on to the GORAP method. The GORAP method allows Muslims to control the conversation. GORAP stands for God's existence, Oneness, Revelation and Prophethood. Attendees role-played scenarios of the GORAP method to understand the concept.
Over 30 people attended the event with high school boys and girls to middle-aged men and women.