901 Ummah's annual "Bluff City Art and Poetry Slam" showcases artists and poets
Artists and poets within the Muslim community came out to showcase their work at the "Bluff City Art and Poetry Slam on Sunday at the University of Memphis.
Around 40 people came to see the numerous art pieces donated by the artists and hear spoken words and poetry by the poets.
Fatema Habib and Lyba Naseer, members of 901 Ummah, organized the event to promote the arts within the community.
Naseer organized the event "to allow young Muslims to showcase their artistic talents, whether it be through painting, photography, or spoken word to others in the community."
Attendees voted for the best art piece in the show. Three winners were announced and received cash prizes.
The event was held in the Shelby Room of the University Center and lasted from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. Food was provided for all the attendees.

Photo by Hira Qureshi
Attendees view the displayed art.