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'Divine Verses' class discusses 'muflehoon'

Donuts, dua and delicious candy filled Friday night’s "Divine Versus" class held by youth director Safi Khan at the Memphis Islamic Center. About thirty youth showed up to Friday’s event, discussing the term "muflehoon."

“Safi’s class was enlightening as usual,” said Sahil Malani. “It was splendid and always a great way to spend Friday nights.”

The term "muflehoon" is defined as believers who attain success not only in this world but as well as the hereafter.

“The class that Safi teaches is a good learning environment and at the same time, lots of fun,” said Safwan Arshad.

Khan showcased the importance of being Islamicly correct in today’s society in efforts to obtain success. While the Prophet (SWS) chose to live a minimalistic life, Khan addressed to the youth that they must choose as well what kind of life they will live without allowing worldly possessions and wealth get to their heads.

“Islam isn’t only about success in the hereafter,” said Khan. “It’s about being successful in this life, which would enhance our gratefulness to Allah, therefore helping us better attain the hereafter.”

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