MSA hosts 'Dawah Workshop' with Imam Anwar Arafat
Photo by Saira Sikandar
Attendees listen as Imam Anwar Arafat explains that anyone can change.
University of Memphis's Muslim Student Association hosted Imam Anwar Arafat's "Dawah Workshop" in the University Center Senate Chamber room at the U of M on Jan. 20 to students and community members.
Arafat parterned with IERA, or the Islamic Education and Research Academy, for the workshop. He discussed the ways Muslims can better spread dawah to their community and non-Muslims.
The workshop involved interactive group discussions and lecturing on common issues in giving dawah and conveying the message of Islam.
"The Dawah classs felt like an essential event for all Muslims to have attended because of its prevalence in turning the image of Islam more hospitable especially now because of the way we have been portrayed as hostile people in the media," said Sahil Malani, an attendee of the workshop.
Arafat explained there is no limit to the rewards when it comes to dawah. Being a human being, the Prophetic trait of empathy, self-defining and a connection to the Quran were some of the characteristics of dawah Arafat listed.
Attendees answered questions like "why are you here" and "what are some acts of kindness" in small groups and presented their answers to the other attendees.
Over 30 people attended the event with high school boys and girls to middle-aged men and women. The second class will be held in early February.